API Developer Guide

Selamat datang di halaman Dokumentasi API. Disini telah disediakan penjelasan lengkap mengenai daftar API yang tersedia dan cara akses/penggunaan dari masing-masing API

Channel pembayaran kami terbagi menjadi 2 jenis yaitu Open Payment & Closed Payment.

Open Payment :

  • Nominal pembayaran tidak ditentukan oleh merchant, pelanggan dapat memasukkan nominal berapapun
  • 1 Kode Bayar/Nomor Virtual Account dapat digunakan berkali-kali
  • Biaya transaksi hanya dapat dibebankan ke merchant

Closed Payment :

  • Nominal pembayaran ditentukan oleh merchant
  • 1 Kode Bayar/Nomor Virtual Account hanya dapat digunakan sekali
  • Biaya transaksi dapat dibebankan ke merchant atau ke pelanggan

Pada bagian ini kami akan menjelaskan alur proses yang akan berjalan saat menggunakan layanan kami mulai dari proses pelanggan melakukan checkout hingga pembayaran masuk ke akun Anda.

Pada layanan kami, channel pembayaran terbagi menjadi 2 jenis yakni tipe DIRECT dan REDIRECT. Pada tipe Direct, semua proses transaksi dapat dilakukan di situs Anda sendiri tanpa perlu dialihkan ke situs lain sehingga Anda dapat dengan leluasa mendesain halaman pembayaran Anda sendiri. Sedangkan pada tipe Redirect, Anda perlu mengalihkan pelanggan menuju ke URL pembayaran yang kami sediakan untuk dapat menyelesaikan proses pembayaran.


  1. Pelanggan melakukan checkout di situs Anda dan memilih metode pembayaran dari channel yang kami sediakan
  2. Sistem Anda melakukan request transaksi ke API kami
  3. Sistem kami memberikan kode bayar/nomor VA
  4. Sistem Anda menginformasikan kode bayar/nomor VA ke pelanggan dan menginstruksikan pelanggan untuk membayar
  5. Pelanggan melakukan pembayaran
  6. Sistem kami menerima status penyelesaian pembayaran pelanggan Anda
  7. Dana masuk ke akun Anda dan sistem kami mengirimkan notifikasi ke sistem Anda
  8. Sistem Anda memproses notifikasi yang dikirim dan melakukan validasi pembayaran
  9. Pembayaran tervalidasi, sistem Anda memproses pesanan ke pelanggan


  1. Pelanggan melakukan checkout di situs Anda dan memilih metode pembayaran dari channel yang kami sediakan
  2. Sistem Anda melakukan request transaksi ke API kami
  3. Sistem kami memberikan URL pembayaran
  4. Sistem Anda mengalihkan pelanggan menuju ke URL pembayaran
  5. Pelanggan menyelesaikan proses pembayaran
  6. Sistem kami menerima status penyelesaian pembayaran pelanggan Anda
  7. Dana masuk ke akun Anda dan sistem kami mengirimkan notifikasi ke sistem Anda
  8. Sistem Anda memproses notifikasi yang dikirim dan melakukan validasi pembayaran
  9. Pembayaran tervalidasi, sistem Anda memproses pesanan ke pelanggan

Mode Transaksi

Pada sistem kami terdapat 2 mode transaksi, mode sanbox dan mode production. Apabila anda ingin melakukan testing silahkan gunakan mode sanbox, apabila anda ingin live transaksi maka silahkan gunakan mode production

Credential API

pada sistem kami terdapat 2 Credential API, Credential API sandbox dan Credential API production

  1. Apabila anda ingin menggunakan mode sandbox silahkan gunakan Credential API sandbox, untuk bisa mendapatkan credential API sandbox, pada halaman member pilih menu API & Integrasi > Simulator > Merchant > Detail
  2. Apabila anda ingin menggunakan mode production silahkan gunakan credential API production , untuk bisa mendapatkan credential API production pada halaman member pilih menu Merchant > Opsi > Edit
    *catatan: apabila anda belum mempunyai merchant silahkan tambah merchant dengan mengklik tombol tambah merchant pada halaman daftar merchant

setelah mendapatkan credential api pastikan channel pembayaran yang anda gunakan sudah aktif. Untuk mengaktikan channel pembayaran :

  1. Apabila anda menggunakan mode sandbox maka pada halaman member silahkan pilih menu API & Integrasi > Simulator > Merchant > Channel Pembayaran
  2. Apabila anda menggunakan mode production maka pada halaman member silahkan pilih menu API & Integrasi > Merchant > Opsi > Atur Channel Pembayaran

Daftar Channel & Biaya

  • * Biaya admin standar, merchant Anda mungkin memiliki biaya yang berbeda dari biaya standar
  • * Khusus OVO, SHOPEEPAY dan DANA, jika hasil perhitungan fee transaksi kurang dari Rp. 1.000;-,
       maka fee akan dibulatkan menjadi Rp. 1.000;-
Kode Channel Tipe Biaya Admin *
PERMATAVA Permata Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
BNIVA BNI Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
BRIVA BRI Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
MANDIRIVA Mandiri Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
BCAVA BCA Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 5.500
MUAMALATVA Muamalat Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 180 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
CIMBVA CIMB Niaga Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
BSIVA BSI Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 180 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
OCBCVA OCBC NISP Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
DANAMONVA Danamon Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
OTHERBANKVA Other Bank Virtual Account
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 4.250
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 2.500.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 3.500
Min Amount : Rp 10.000
Max Amount : Rp 2.500.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
DIRECT Rp 3.500
Min Amount : Rp 5.000
Max Amount : Rp 2.500.000
Min Expired : 60 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 3.500
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 43.200 menit
QRIS QRIS by ShopeePay
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 5.000.000
Min Expired : 10 menit
Max Expired : 60 menit
DIRECT Rp 750 + 0,7%
QRISC QRIS (Customizable)
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 5.000.000
Min Expired : 10 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 750 + 0,7%
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 5.000.000
Min Expired : 10 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
DIRECT Rp 750 + 0,7%
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 1.440 menit
Min Amount : Rp 1.000
Max Amount : Rp 10.000.000
Min Expired : 15 menit
Max Expired : 60 menit

API ini digunakan untuk mengambil instruksi pembayaran dari masing-masing channel


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/payment/instruction
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/payment/instruction
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan
code BRIVA
Lihat lainnya
string YA Kode channel pembayaran
pay_code 1234567890 string TIDAK Untuk memasukkan kode bayar/nomor VA ke dalam respon instruksi
amount 10000 int TIDAK Untuk memasukkan nominal ke dalam respon instruksi
allow_html 1 int TIDAK Untuk mengizinkan tag html pada instruksi
0 = Tidak diizinkan
1 = Diizinkan
default = 1

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$payload = ['code' => 'BRIVA'];

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/payment/instruction?'.http_build_query($payload),
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  payload = { "code": "BRIVA" }
  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/payment/instruction", params=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/payment/instruction?code=BRIVA', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": [
        "title": "Internet Banking",
        "steps": [
          "Login ke internet banking Bank BRI Anda",
          "Pilih menu <b>Pembayaran</b> lalu klik menu <b>BRIVA</b>",
          "Pilih rekening sumber dan masukkan Kode Bayar (<b>{{pay_code}}</b>) lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Detail transaksi akan ditampilkan, pastikan data sudah sesuai",
          "Masukkan kata sandi ibanking lalu klik <b>Request</b> untuk mengirim m-PIN ke nomor HP Anda",
          "Periksa HP Anda dan masukkan m-PIN yang diterima lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Transaksi sukses, simpan bukti transaksi Anda"
        "title": "Aplikasi BRImo",
        "steps": [
          "Login ke aplikasi BRImo Anda",
          "Pilih menu <b>BRIVA</b>",
          "Pilih sumber dana dan masukkan Nomor Pembayaran (<b>{{pay_code}}</b>) lalu klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Detail transaksi akan ditampilkan, pastikan data sudah sesuai",
          "Klik <b>Konfirmasi</b>",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Masukkan kata sandi ibanking Anda",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Transaksi sukses, simpan bukti transaksi Anda"
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan daftar channel pembayaran yang aktif pada akun Merchant Anda beserta informasi lengkap termasuk biaya transaksi dari masing-masing channel


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/merchant/payment-channel
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/payment-channel
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Tipe Contoh Nilai Wajib Keterangan

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/payment-channel',
  CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/payment-channel", params={}, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios') // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/payment-channel', {
  headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": [
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "MYBVA",
      "name": "Maybank Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "PERMATAVA",
      "name": "Permata Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "BNIVA",
      "name": "BNI Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "BRIVA",
      "name": "BRI Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "MANDIRIVA",
      "name": "Mandiri Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "BCAVA",
      "name": "BCA Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 5500,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 5500,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 5500,
      "maximum_fee" : 6000,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "SMSVA",
      "name": "Sinarmas Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "MUAMALATVA",
      "name": "Muamalat Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "CIMBVA",
      "name": "CIMB Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Virtual Account",
      "code": "SAMPOERNAVA",
      "name": "Sahabat Sampoerna Virtual Account",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 4250,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 4000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 10000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Convenience Store",
      "code": "ALFAMART",
      "name": "Alfamart",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 6000,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 6000,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 5500,
      "maximum_fee" : 6500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 2500000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Convenience Store",
      "code": "INDOMARET",
      "name": "Indomaret",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 3500,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 3500,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 3000,
      "maximum_fee" : 4000,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 2500000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "Convenience Store",
      "code": "ALFAMIDI",
      "name": "Alfamidi",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 6000,
        "percent": 0
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 6000,
        "percent": "0.00"
      "minimum_fee" : 5500,
      "maximum_fee" : 6500,
      "minimum_amount" : 10000,
      "maximum_amount" : 2500000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
      "group": "E-Wallet",
      "code": "QRIS",
      "name": "QRIS by ShopeePay",
      "type": "direct",
      "fee_merchant": {
        "flat": 750,
        "percent": 0.7
      "fee_customer": {
        "flat": 0,
        "percent": 0
      "total_fee": {
        "flat": 750,
        "percent": "0.70"
      "minimum_fee" : 750,
      "maximum_fee" : 1000,
      "minimum_amount" : 1000,
      "maximum_amount" : 5000000,
      "icon_url": "https://tripay.co.id/xxxxxxxxx.png",
      "active": true
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan rincian perhitungan biaya transaksi untuk masing-masing channel berdasarkan nominal yang ditentukan


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/merchant/fee-calculator
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/fee-calculator
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Tipe Contoh Nilai Wajib Keterangan
amount int 100000 YA Nominal transaksi
code string BRIVA
Lihat lainnya
TIDAK Kode channel pembayaran. Jika parameter ini kosong maka result yang dihasilkan adalah daftar semua channel pembayaran yang tersedia

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$payload = [
    'code' => 'QRIS',
    'amount' => 100000,

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/fee-calculator?'.http_build_query($payload),
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  payload = { "code": "QRIS", "amount": 100000 }
  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/fee-calculator", params=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios') // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/fee-calculator?code=QRIS&amount=100000', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": [
      "code": "QRIS",
      "name": "QRIS",
      "fee": {
          "flat": 750,
          "percent": "0.70",
          "min": null,
          "max": null
      "total_fee": {
          "merchant": 1450,
          "customer": 0
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan daftar transaksi merchant


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/merchant/transactions
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/transactions
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key Anda
Parameter Tipe Contoh Nilai Wajib Keterangan
page int 1 TIDAK Nomor halaman
per_page int 50 TIDAK Jumlah data per halaman. Maks: 50
sort string desc TIDAK Sorting data.
asc : Terlama ke Terbaru
desc : Terbaru ke Terlama
reference string T0001000000455HFGRY TIDAK Untuk melakukan filter berdasarkan nomor referensi transaksi
merchant_ref string INV57564 TIDAK Untuk melakukan filter berdasarkan nomor referensi/invoice merchant
method string BRIVA
Lihat lainnya
TIDAK Untuk melakukan filter berdasarkan kode channel pembayaran
status string PAID TIDAK Untuk melakukan filter berdasarkan status pembayaran

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$payload = [
    'page' => 1,
    'per_page' => 25,

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
  CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/transactions?'.http_build_query($payload),
  CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($err) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  payload = {
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 25

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/transactions", params=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios') // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/merchant/transactions?page=1&per_page=25', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": [
        "reference": "T015100000358440000",
        "merchant_ref": "INV123",
        "payment_selection_type": "static",
        "payment_method": "MYBVA",
        "payment_name": "Maybank Virtual Account",
        "customer_name": "Nama Customer",
        "customer_email": "[email protected]",
        "customer_phone": null,
        "callback_url": null,
        "return_url": null,
        "amount": 153750,
        "fee_merchant": 3750,
	    "fee_customer": 0,
        "total_fee": 3750,
        "amount_received": 150000,
        "pay_code": 45649878666155,
        "pay_url": null,
        "checkout_url": "https://tripay.co.id/checkout/T015100000358440000",
        "order_items": [
            "sku": null,
            "name": "T-Shirt",
            "price": 150000,
            "quantity": 1,
            "subtotal": 150000
        "status": "UNPAID",
        "note": null,
        "created_at": 1592381058,
        "expired_at": 1592388303,
        "paid_at": null
  "pagination": {
    "sort": "desc",
    "offset": {
      "from": 1,
      "to": 1
      "current_page": 1,
      "previous_page": null,
      "next_page": null,
      "last_page": 1,
      "per_page": 25,
      "total_records": 1
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi akun E-Wallet yang sudah terhubung


Method GET
Sandbox URL -
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/ewallet/detail
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Tipe Contoh Nilai Wajib Keterangan
wallet_type string DANA YA Kode E-Wallet. Tersedia:
  • DANA
mobile_phone string 08123456789 YA Nomor Akun E-Wallet

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/ewallet/detail?wallet_type=DANA&mobile_phone=08123456789',
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/ewallet/detail?wallet_type=DANA&mobile_phone=08123456789", data=None, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios') // using Axios library

var apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/ewallet/detail?wallet_type=DANA&mobile_phone=08123456789', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "wallet_type": "DANA",
    "mobile_phone": "08123456789",
    "balance": "100000.00",
    "currency": "IDR"
  "success": false,
  "message": "Failed to fetch data. Make sure the account is linked and try again"

Untuk melakukan request transaksi, Anda harus membuat signature yang akan divalidasi sistem TriPay untuk memastikan integritas data dan pengirim saat ditransmisikan ke sistem TriPay. Pada permintaan request Transaksi baru, signature ini dibuat dari kombinasi Kode Merchant, Nomor referensi dari sistem merchant, dan nominal transaksi

Ketiga data tersebut di-hash menggunakan jenis algoritma HMAC-SHA256 yang dikunci dengan Private Key Merchant. Berikut adalah contoh pembuatan signature.


$privateKey   = 'ytf6ooi2gmlNPfpchd94jDOk8hRWOu';
$merchantCode = 'T0001';
$merchantRef  = 'INV55567';
$amount       = 1500000;

$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $merchantCode.$merchantRef.$amount, $privateKey);

// result
// 9f167eba844d1fcb369404e2bda53702e2f78f7aa12e91da6715414e65b8c86a

import hmac
import hashlib

privateKey    = "ytf6ooi2gmlNPfpchd94jDOk8hRWOu"
merchant_code = "T0001"
merchant_ref  = "INV55567"
amount        = 1500000

signStr = "{}{}{}".format(merchant_code, merchant_ref, amount)
signature = hmac.new(bytes(privateKey,'latin-1'), bytes(signStr,'latin-1'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

# result
# 9f167eba844d1fcb369404e2bda53702e2f78f7aa12e91da6715414e65b8c86a
const crypto = require('crypto')

var privateKey    = "ytf6ooi2gmlNPfpchd94jDOk8hRWOu";
var merchant_code = "T0001";
var merchant_ref  = "INV55567";
var amount        = 1500000;

var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', privateKey)
    .update(merchant_code + merchant_ref + amount)

// result
// 9f167eba844d1fcb369404e2bda53702e2f78f7aa12e91da6715414e65b8c86a

API ini digunakan untuk membuat transaksi baru atau melakukan generate kode pembayaran


Method POST
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/transaction/create
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/create
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan
method BRIVA
Lihat lainnya
string YA Kode channel pembayaran
merchant_ref INV345675 string YA Nomor invoice atau nomor order dari sistem Anda. Kami akan mengirim balik nomor ini ketika mengirim notifikasi status transaksi
amount 1000000 int YA Jumlah total pembayaran
customer_name Nama Pelanggan string YA Nama Pelanggan
customer_email [email protected] string YA Email Pelanggan
customer_phone 081234567890 string TIDAK (YA untuk beberapa channel) Nomor HP Pelanggan
order_items (Lihat tab Contoh Request) array YA Rincian produk. Parameter ini harus berisi Array dengan key yang wajib: name, price, quantity
callback_url https://domainanda.com/callback string TIDAK URL untuk menerima callback notifikasi transaksi. Jika parameter ini kosong, maka akan menggunakan URL callback default pada menu Merchant
return_url https://domainanda.com/redirect string TIDAK URL untuk mengalihkan pelanggan Anda kembali
expired_time 1582855837 int TIDAK Batas waktu pembayaran dalam format unix timestamp (https://www.unixtimestamp.com). Jika parameter ini tidak diisi, maka akan menggunakan batas waktu default yakni 24 jam
signature fwehf874g547744b5ybnfhf string YA Signature dibuat menggunakan hash HMAC-SHA256 yang dikunci dengan Private Key. (lihat pada tab Buat Signature)

$apiKey       = 'api_key_anda';
$privateKey   = 'private_key_anda';
$merchantCode = 'kode merchant anda';
$merchantRef  = 'nomor referensi merchant anda';
$amount       = 1000000;

$data = [
    'method'         => 'BRIVA',
    'merchant_ref'   => $merchantRef,
    'amount'         => $amount,
    'customer_name'  => 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'customer_email' => '[email protected]',
    'customer_phone' => '081234567890',
    'order_items'    => [
            'sku'         => 'FB-06',
            'name'        => 'Nama Produk 1',
            'price'       => 500000,
            'quantity'    => 1,
            'product_url' => 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1',
            'image_url'   => 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1.jpg',
            'sku'         => 'FB-07',
            'name'        => 'Nama Produk 2',
            'price'       => 500000,
            'quantity'    => 1,
            'product_url' => 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2',
            'image_url'   => 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2.jpg',
    'return_url'   => 'https://domainanda.com/redirect',
    'expired_time' => (time() + (24 * 60 * 60)), // 24 jam
    'signature'    => hash_hmac('sha256', $merchantCode.$merchantRef.$amount, $privateKey)

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/create',
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,
    CURLOPT_POST           => true,
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS     => http_build_query($data),

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests
import time
import hmac
import hashlib

  apiKey     = "api_key_anda"
  privateKey = "private_key_anda"

  merchant_code = "T0001"
  merchant_ref  = "INV345675"
  amount        = 1000000

  expiry = int(time.time() + (24*60*60)) # 24 jam

  signStr = "{}{}{}".format(merchant_code, merchant_ref, amount)
  signature = hmac.new(bytes(privateKey,'latin-1'), bytes(signStr,'latin-1'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

  payload = {
    'method': 'BRIVA',
    'merchant_ref': merchant_ref,
    'amount': amount,
    'customer_name': 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'customer_email': '[email protected]',
    'customer_phone': '081234567890',
    'return_url': 'https://domainanda.com/redirect',
    'expired_time': expiry,
    'signature': signature

  order_items = [
      'sku': 'PRODUK1',
      'name': 'Nama Produk 1',
      'price': 500000,
      'quantity': 1,
      'product_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1',
      'image_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1.jpg'
      'sku': 'PRODUK2',
      'name': 'Nama Produk 2',
      'price': 500000,
      'quantity': 1,
      'product_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2',
      'image_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2.jpg'

  i = 0
  for item in order_items:
    for k in item:
      payload['order_items['+ str(i) +']['+ str(k) +']'] = item[k]
    i += 1

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.post(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/create", data=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library
const crypto = require('crypto');

var apiKey     = "api_key_anda";
var privateKey = "private_key_anda";

var merchant_code = "T0001";
var merchant_ref  = "INV345675";
var amount        = 1000000;

var expiry = parseInt(Math.floor(new Date()/1000) + (24*60*60)); # 24 jam

var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', privateKey)
    .update(merchant_code + merchant_ref + amount)

var payload = {
    'method': 'BRIVA',
    'merchant_ref': merchant_ref,
    'amount': amount,
    'customer_name': 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'customer_email': '[email protected]',
    'customer_phone': '081234567890',
    'order_items': [
        'sku': 'PRODUK1',
        'name': 'Nama Produk 1',
        'price': 500000,
        'quantity': 1,
        'product_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1',
        'image_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1.jpg'
        'sku': 'PRODUK2',
        'name': 'Nama Produk 2',
        'price': 500000,
        'quantity': 1,
        'product_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2',
        'image_url': 'https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2.jpg'
    'return_url': 'https://domainanda.com/redirect',
    'expired_time': expiry,
    'signature': signature

axios.post('https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/create', payload, {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "reference": "T0001000000000000006",
    "merchant_ref": "INV345675",
    "payment_selection_type": "static",
    "payment_method": "BRIVA",
    "payment_name": "BRI Virtual Account",
    "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_phone": "081234567890",
    "callback_url": "https://domainanda.com/callback",
    "return_url": "https://domainanda.com/redirect",
    "amount": 1000000,
    "fee_merchant": 1500,
    "fee_customer": 0,
    "total_fee": 1500,
    "amount_received": 998500,
    "pay_code": "57585748548596587",
    "pay_url": null,
    "checkout_url": "https://tripay.co.id/checkout/T0001000000000000006",
    "status": "UNPAID",
    "expired_time": 1582855837,
    "order_items": [
        "sku": "PRODUK1",
        "name": "Nama Produk 1",
        "price": 500000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "subtotal": 500000,
        "product_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1",
        "image_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1.jpg"
        "sku": "PRODUK2",
        "name": "Nama Produk 2",
        "price": 500000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "subtotal": 500000,
        "product_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2",
        "image_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2.jpg"
    "instructions": [
        "title": "Internet Banking",
        "steps": [
          "Login ke internet banking Bank BRI Anda",
          "Pilih menu <b>Pembayaran</b> lalu klik menu <b>BRIVA</b>",
          "Pilih rekening sumber dan masukkan Kode Bayar (<b>57585748548596587</b>) lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Detail transaksi akan ditampilkan, pastikan data sudah sesuai",
          "Masukkan kata sandi ibanking lalu klik <b>Request</b> untuk mengirim m-PIN ke nomor HP Anda",
          "Periksa HP Anda dan masukkan m-PIN yang diterima lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Transaksi sukses, simpan bukti transaksi Anda"
    "qr_string": null,
    "qr_url": null
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mengambil detail transaksi yang pernah dibuat. Dapat juga digunakan untuk cek status pembayaran


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/transaction/detail
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/detail
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan
reference T0001000000000000006 string YA Kode referensi transaksi

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$payload = ['reference'	=> 'T0001000000000000006'];

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/detail?'.http_build_query($payload),
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  payload = { "reference": "T0001000000000000006" }
  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/detail", params=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library

var apiKey    = "api_key_anda";
var reference = "T0001000000000000006";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/detail?reference=' + reference, {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "reference": "T0001000000000000006",
    "merchant_ref": "INV345675",
    "payment_selection_type": "static",
    "payment_method": "BRIVA",
    "payment_name": "BRI Virtual Account",
    "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_phone": "081234567890",
    "callback_url": "https://domainanda.com/callback",
    "return_url": "https://domainanda.com/redirect",
    "amount": 1000000,
    "fee_merchant": 1500,
    "fee_customer": 0,
    "total_fee": 1500,
    "amount_received": 998500,
    "pay_code": "57585748548596587",
    "pay_url": null,
    "checkout_url": "https://tripay.co.id/checkout/T0001000000000000006",
    "status": "PAID",
    "paid_at": "1582856000",
    "expired_time": 1582855837,
    "order_items": [
        "sku": "PRODUK1",
        "name": "Nama Produk 1",
        "price": 500000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "subtotal": 500000,
        "product_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1",
        "image_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-1.jpg"
        "sku": "PRODUK2",
        "name": "Nama Produk 2",
        "price": 500000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "subtotal": 500000,
        "product_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2",
        "image_url": "https://tokokamu.com/product/nama-produk-2.jpg"
    "instructions": [
        "title": "Internet Banking",
        "steps": [
          "Login ke internet banking Bank BRI Anda",
          "Pilih menu <b>Pembayaran</b> lalu klik menu <b>BRIVA</b>",
          "Pilih rekening sumber dan masukkan Kode Bayar (<b>57585748548596587</b>) lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Detail transaksi akan ditampilkan, pastikan data sudah sesuai",
          "Masukkan kata sandi ibanking lalu klik <b>Request</b> untuk mengirim m-PIN ke nomor HP Anda",
          "Periksa HP Anda dan masukkan m-PIN yang diterima lalu klik <b>Kirim</b>",
          "Transaksi sukses, simpan bukti transaksi Anda"
        "title": "Aplikasi BRImo",
        "steps": [
          "Login ke aplikasi BRImo Anda",
          "Pilih menu <b>BRIVA</b>",
          "Pilih sumber dana dan masukkan Nomor Pembayaran (<b>57585748548596587</b>) lalu klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Detail transaksi akan ditampilkan, pastikan data sudah sesuai",
          "Klik <b>Konfirmasi</b>",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Masukkan kata sandi ibanking Anda",
          "Klik <b>Lanjut</b>",
          "Transaksi sukses, simpan bukti transaksi Anda"
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mengecek dan mengupdate status transaksi apabila ada perubahan status pembayaran


Method GET
Sandbox URL https://tripay.co.id/api-sandbox/transaction/check-status
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/check-status
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key Anda
Parameter Tipe Contoh Nilai Wajib Keterangan
reference string T0001000000455HFGRY YA Nomor referensi transaksi yang ingin dilakukan pengecekan

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';

$payload = [
    'reference' => 'T0001000000455HFGRY',

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/check-status?'.http_build_query($payload),
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"

  payload = {
    "reference": "T0001000000455HFGRY",

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/check-status", params=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios') // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/transaction/check-status?reference=T0001000000455HFGRY', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "Status transaksi saat ini PAID",
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

Untuk melakukan request transaksi open payment, Anda harus membuat signature yang akan divalidasi sistem TriPay untuk memastikan integritas data dan pengirim saat ditransmisikan ke sistem TriPay. Pada permintaan request Transaksi baru, signature ini dibuat dari kombinasi Kode Merchant, Kode channel pembayaran, dan Nomor referensi dari sistem merchant

Ketiga data tersebut di-hash menggunakan jenis algoritma HMAC-SHA256 yang dikunci dengan Private Key Merchant. Berikut adalah contoh pembuatan signature.


$privateKey   = 'private_key_anda';
$merchantCode = 'T0001';
$channel      = 'BCAVA';
$merchantRef  = 'INV55567';

$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $merchantCode.$channel.$merchantRef, $privateKey);
import hmac
import hashlib

privateKey    = "private_key_anda"
merchant_code = "T0001"
merchant_ref  = "INV55567"
channel       = "BCAVA"

signStr   = "{}{}{}".format(merchant_code, channel, merchant_ref)
signature = hmac.new(bytes(privateKey,'latin-1'), bytes(signStr,'latin-1'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
const crypto = require('crypto')

var privateKey    = "private_key_anda";
var merchant_code = "T0001";
var merchant_ref  = "INV55567";
var channel       = "BCAVA";

var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', privateKey)
    .update(merchant_code + channel + merchant_ref)

API ini digunakan untuk membuat transaksi baru atau melakukan generate kode pembayaran untuk jenis Open Payment


Method POST
Sandbox URL -
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/create
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan
method BCAVAOP
Lihat lainnya
string YA Kode channel pembayaran
merchant_ref INV345678 string TIDAK Kode referensi transaksi dari sistem Anda. Kami akan mengirim balik nomor referensi ini ketika mengirim notifikasi status transaksi
customer_name Nama Pelanggan string TIDAK Nama Pelanggan
signature fwehf874g547744b5ybnfhf string YA Signature dibuat menggunakan hash HMAC-SHA256 yang dikunci dengan Private Key. (lihat pada tab Buat Signature)

$apiKey       = 'api_key_anda';
$privateKey   = 'private_key_anda';
$merchantCode = 'T0001';
$merchantRef  = 'INV345678';
$method       = 'BCAVA';

$data = [
    'method'        => $method,
    'merchant_ref'  => $merchantRef,
    'customer_name' => 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'signature'     => hash_hmac('sha256', $merchantCode.$method.$merchantRef, $privateKey)

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => "https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/create",
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,
    CURLOPT_POST           => true,
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS     => http_build_query($data),

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests
import time
import hmac
import hashlib

  apiKey        = "api_key_anda"
  privateKey    = "private_key_anda"
  merchant_code = "T0001"
  merchant_ref  = "INV345678"
  method        = "BCAVA"

  signStr = "{}{}{}".format(merchant_code, method, merchant_ref)
  signature = hmac.new(bytes(privateKey,'latin-1'), bytes(signStr,'latin-1'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

  payload = {
    'method': method,
    'merchant_ref': merchant_ref,
    'customer_name': 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'signature': signature

  headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey

  result = requests.post(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/create", data=payload, headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library
const crypto = require('crypto');

var apiKey        = "api_key_anda";
var privateKey    = "private_key_anda";
var merchant_code = "T0001";
var merchant_ref  = "INV345678";
var method        = "BCAVA";

var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', privateKey)
    .update(merchant_code + method + merchant_ref)

var payload = {
    'method': method,
    'merchant_ref': merchant_ref,
    'customer_name': 'Nama Pelanggan',
    'signature': signature

axios.post('https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/create', payload, {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "uuid": "T0001OP9376HnpS",
    "merchant_ref": "INV345678",
    "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
    "payment_name": "BCA Virtual Account",
    "payment_method": "BCAVA",
    "pay_code": "1234567890",
    "qr_string": null,
    "qr_url": null
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mengambil detail transaksi open payment yang pernah dibuat


Method GET
Sandbox URL -
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/{uuid}/detail
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';
$uuid   = "T0001OP9376HnpS";

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => 'https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/'.$uuid.'/detail',
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"
uuid   = "T0001OP9376HnpS"

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result   = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/" + uuid + "/detail", headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";
var uuid   = "T0001OP9376HnpS";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/' + uuid + '/detail', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "uuid": "T0001OP9376HnpS",
    "merchant_ref": "INV345675",
    "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
    "payment_name": "BCA Virtual Account",
    "payment_method": "BCAVA",
    "pay_code": "1234567890",
    "qr_string": null,
    "qr_url": null
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

API ini digunakan untuk mengambil daftar pembayaran yang masuk pada open payment


Method GET
Sandbox URL -
Production URL https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/{uuid}/transactions
Key Value Keterangan
Authorization Bearer {api_key} Ganti {api_key} dengan API Key merchant Anda
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Wajib Keterangan
reference T0001000000000000006 string TIDAK Nomor referensi transaksi
merchant_refINV345675 string TIDAK Nomor referensi dari sistem merchant
start_date 2020-11-23 00:00:00 string TIDAK Tanggal awal transaksi. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s
end_date 2020-11-23 23:59:59 string TIDAK Tanggal akhir transaksi. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s
per_page 25 int TIDAK Jumlah data per halaman (default: 25, max: 100)

$apiKey = 'api_key_anda';
$uuid   = 'T0001OP9376HnpS';

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, [
    CURLOPT_URL            => "https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/".$uuid."/transactions",
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER     => ['Authorization: Bearer '.$apiKey],
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR    => false,

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$error = curl_error($curl);


echo empty($error) ? $response : $error;

import requests

apiKey = "api_key_anda"
uuid   = "T0001OP9376HnpS"

  headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey }

  result   = requests.get(url="https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/" + uuid + "/transactions", headers=headers)
  response = result.text
except Exception as e:
  print("Request Error: " + str(e))
const axios = require('axios'); // using Axios library

var apiKey = "api_key_anda";
var uuid   = "T0001OP9376HnpS";

axios.get('https://tripay.co.id/api/open-payment/' + uuid + '/transactions', {
  headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey },
  validateStatus: function (status) {
    return status < 999; // ignore http error
.then((res) => {
.catch((error) => {


    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "data": [
            "reference": "T0001000000000000006",
            "merchant_ref": "INV345675",
            "payment_method": "BCAVA",
            "payment_name": "BCA Virtual Account",
            "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
            "amount": 10000,
            "fee_merchant": 4250,
            "fee_customer": 0,
            "total_fee": 4250,
            "amount_received": 5750,
            "checkout_url": "https://payment.tripay.co.id/checkout/T0001000000000000006",
            "status": "PAID",
            "paid_at": 1605967886
            "reference": "T0001000000000000007",
            "merchant_ref": "INV345675",
            "payment_method": "BCAVA",
            "payment_name": "BCA Virtual Account",
            "customer_name": "Nama Pelanggan",
            "amount": 10000,
            "fee_merchant": 4250,
            "fee_customer": 0,
            "total_fee": 4250,
            "amount_received": 5750,
            "checkout_url": "https://payment.tripay.co.id/checkout/T0001000000000000007",
            "status": "PAID",
            "paid_at": 1605975843
    "pagination": {
        "total": 2,
        "data_from": 1,
        "data_to": 2,
        "per_page": 100,
        "current_page": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "next_page": null
  "success": false,
  "message": "Invalid API Key"

Callback adalah pengiriman notifikasi transaksi dari server TriPay ke server pengguna dengan cara memanggil URL callback milik pengguna dengan membawa data terkait transaksi. Pada saat pembayaran dari pelanggan diselesaikan, maka sistem TriPay akan memberikan notifikasi yang berisi data transaksi yang kemudian dapat dikelola lebih lanjut oleh sistem pengguna.

Anda harus membuat sebuah file/controller/routing yang didaftarkan dan nantinya akan dipanggil oleh sistem TriPay saat transaksi berubah

Selain dikirim pada saat pembayaran sukses, callback juga akan dikirim ketika terjadi perubahan status transaksi sehingga sistem pengguna dapat mengambil tindakan yang sesuai dengan status pembayaran

Callback diamankan dengan adanya tanda tangan (signature) yang wajib Anda validasi untuk memastikan bahwa callback dikirim dari sistem kami dan data callback tidak berubah sewaktu dikirim. Dibawah ini adalah contoh pembuatan signature yang nantinya harus Anda cocokkan dengan X-Callback-Signature yang terkirim bersama dengan notifikasi transaksi.

Pembuatan Signature


$privateKey = 'private_key_anda';

// ambil data json callback notifikasi
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $json, $privateKey);

// result
// 9f167eba844d1fcb369404e2bda53702e2f78f7aa12e91da6715414e65b8c86a

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify # we use Flask as example here
import hmac
import hashlib

privateKey = "private_key_anda";

# ambil data json callback notifikasi
json = jsonify(request.get_json(force=True))
signature = hmac.new(bytes(privateKey,'latin-1'), bytes(json,'latin-1'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

# result
# 9f167eba844d1fcb369404e2bda53702e2f78f7aa12e91da6715414e65b8c86a

const crypto = require('crypto');
const express = require('express'); // we use ExpressJS as example here

const privateKey = "private_key_anda"
const app = express();


app.post('/endpoint-callback-anda', function (request, response) {
    var json = request.body;
    var signature = crypto.createHmac("sha256", privateKey)




Method : POST
URL : URL callback yang diatur di halaman Merchant atau pada saat request transaksi
Key Contoh Nilai Keterangan
Content-Type application/json Data callback dikirim menggunakan format JSON
X-Callback-Signature 85d99ec90d36c93dad61a98928ef63 Signature callback
X-Callback-Event payment_status Event callback.
Nilai: "payment_status"
Parameter Contoh Nilai Tipe Keterangan
reference T00010000000006 string Nomor referensi transaksi
merchant_ref INV364654 string/null Nomor referensi/invoice dari sistem merchant yang dikirim saat request transaksi
payment_method BRI Virtual Account string Nama channel pembayaran yang digunakan
payment_method_code BRIVA string Kode channel pembayaran yang digunakan
total_amount 200000 int Jumlah pembayaran yang dibayar pelanggan
fee_merchant 2000 int Jumlah biaya yang dikenakan ke merchant
fee_customer 0 int Jumlah biaya yang dikenakan ke pelanggan
total_fee 2000 int Jumlah total biaya yang dikenakan
amount_received 198000 int Jumlah bersih yang diterima merchant
is_closed_payment 1 int Apakah transaksi ini adalah closed payment?
  0 = Open payment
  1 = Closed payment
status PAID string Status transaksi.
Daftar status:

paid_at 1585574209 int/null Unix timestamp waktu pembayaran sukses
note Transaksi sukses string/null Keterangan tambahan
    "reference": "T0001000023000XXXXX",
    "merchant_ref": "INV123456",
    "payment_method": "BCA Virtual Account",
    "payment_method_code": "BCAVA",
    "total_amount": 200000,
    "fee_merchant": 2000,
    "fee_customer": 0,
    "total_fee": 2000,
    "amount_received": 198000,
    "is_closed_payment": 1,
    "status": "PAID",
    "paid_at": 1608133017,
    "note": null


Ketika sistem Anda berhasil menerima callback dari kami, sistem Anda harus merespon dengan format JSON yang telah ditentukan. Apabila sistem kami tidak menerima respon yang sesuai, maka akan dianggap gagal dan sistem kami akan mencoba mengirimkan ulang callback dengan jeda waktu 2 menit hingga maksimal 3 kali.

    "success": true

// Include file koneksi database

// Ambil data JSON
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');

// Ambil callback signature
$callbackSignature = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE'])
    : '';

// Isi dengan private key anda
$privateKey = 'private_key_anda';

// Generate signature untuk dicocokkan dengan X-Callback-Signature
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $json, $privateKey);

// Validasi signature
if ($callbackSignature !== $signature) {
        'success' => false,
        'message' => 'Invalid signature',

$data = json_decode($json);

if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
        'success' => false,
        'message' => 'Invalid data sent by payment gateway',

// Hentikan proses jika callback event-nya bukan payment_status
if ('payment_status' !== $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CALLBACK_EVENT']) {
        'success' => false,
        'message' => 'Unrecognized callback event: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CALLBACK_EVENT'],

$invoiceId = $db->real_escape_string($data->merchant_ref);
$tripayReference = $db->real_escape_string($data->reference);
$status = strtoupper((string) $data->status);

if ($data->is_closed_payment === 1) {
    $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tbl_invoices WHERE id = '{$invoiceId}' AND tripay_reference = '{$tripayReference}' AND status = 'UNPAID' LIMIT 1");

    if (! $result) {
            'success' => false,
            'message' => 'Invoice not found or already paid: ' . $invoiceId,

    while ($invoice = $result->fetch_object()) {
        switch ($status) {
            // handle status PAID
            case 'PAID':
                if (! $db->query("UPDATE tbl_invoices SET status = 'PAID' WHERE id = {$invoice->id}")) {
                        'success' => false,
                        'message' => $db->error,

            // handle status EXPIRED
            case 'EXPIRED':
                if (! $db->query("UPDATE tbl_invoices SET status = 'EXPIRED' WHERE id = {$invoice->id}")) {
                        'success' => false,
                        'message' => $db->error,

            // handle status FAILED
            case 'FAILED':
                if (! $db->query("UPDATE tbl_invoices SET status = 'FAILED' WHERE id = {$invoice->id}")) {
                        'success' => false,
                        'message' => $db->error,

                    'success' => false,
                    'message' => 'Unrecognized payment status',

        exit(json_encode(['success' => true]));

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use App\Models\Invoice;

class TripayCallbackController extends Controller
    // Isi dengan private key anda
    protected $privateKey = 'private_key_anda';

    public function handle(Request $request)
        $callbackSignature = $request->server('HTTP_X_CALLBACK_SIGNATURE');
        $json = $request->getContent();
        $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $json, $this->privateKey);

        if ($signature !== (string) $callbackSignature) {
            return Response::json([
                'success' => false,
                'message' => 'Invalid signature',

        if ('payment_status' !== (string) $request->server('HTTP_X_CALLBACK_EVENT')) {
            return Response::json([
                'success' => false,
                'message' => 'Unrecognized callback event, no action was taken',

        $data = json_decode($json);

        if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
            return Response::json([
                'success' => false,
                'message' => 'Invalid data sent by tripay',

        $invoiceId = $data->merchant_ref;
        $tripayReference = $data->reference;
        $status = strtoupper((string) $data->status);

        if ($data->is_closed_payment === 1) {
            $invoice = Invoice::where('id', $invoiceId)
                ->where('tripay_reference', $tripayReference)
                ->where('status', '=', 'UNPAID')

            if (! $invoice) {
                return Response::json([
                    'success' => false,
                    'message' => 'No invoice found or already paid: ' . $invoiceId,

            switch ($status) {
                case 'PAID':
                    $invoice->update(['status' => 'PAID']);

                case 'EXPIRED':
                    $invoice->update(['status' => 'EXPIRED']);

                case 'FAILED':
                    $invoice->update(['status' => 'FAILED']);

                    return Response::json([
                        'success' => false,
                        'message' => 'Unrecognized payment status',

            return Response::json(['success' => true]);